Unterricht, Was mit dem lieblichen Geschöpff, Denen Vögeln…

This composite volume contains three separate works.

The first one is a book of Baron Johann Ferdinand Adam von Pernauer (1660–1731), entitled Unterricht, was mit dem lieblichen Geschöpff, denen Vögeln … (1707), on the behaviour of birds.

The author of the second part, Waidmannschafft auff Vögel, durch gantze Jahr... (1704) is Wolf Helmhard von Hohberg (1612–1688). This booklet presents the methods of bird hunting in Germany and in Austria according to the month of the year.

The last part, Caccia giocosa … (1704) also introduces us to the secrets of bird catching. The author and the illustrator is Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (1634–1718).

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